Saturday, November 10, 2007

Ron Paul Rally

Today Lee and I took a bus trip to Philadelphia to support our choice for president in 2008. We went down with our local Meetup group, splitting the cost for a van, gas, and tolls. The van was populated by the most bizarrely diverse group you can imagine, but all having the same love for liberty that led us to support Ron Paul. I won't get into Dr. Paul's platform too much here, except to say that he is a Christian and also a lover of and believer in the Constitution, small government, personal liberty, and personal responsibility. He is also consistently pro-life.

Ron Paul is a former serviceman, an OB-GYN, and a Texas senator. He is a father, a grandfather, and the great-grandfather, and the husband of one wife.

This was the view as the crowd was dissipating. You can see Independence Hall in the background. Philadelphia has some beautiful views.

THANKS to Mommi and Daddy for watching the kids so Lee and I could have this amazing day together.

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