This is that rare bird, a picture of our entire family, and dressed up, too.
Mel and Keith, the happy couple. Mel is Lee's second cousin.
Uncle Jerry - he's Lee's uncle - dancing with beauteous Olivia. We did not expect to see Uncle Jerry at the wedding, so it was a special treat.
Nan, and the squishy pudgy little man I call my son. Nan loves babies.
Lee and his darling. Oh my goodness I love this man.
My girl, kickin' her heels up on the dance floor. Woo!
No force on earth could have gotten Lee on that dance floor - except for a promise he made to his little girl.
Nan, on the other hand, was just dying for an excuse to dance. I know she misses having Pap to dance with.

Awwwwwwwwwww! :*) :::sniff:::
The pictures are soooo great. I can say I love being a great grand ma also. Even if I do not see the little ones. They are all so sweet. Love to see them. Love, Grand Ma Nancy PS I will never for the wedding. I am glad that you are so happy
Aw, Julius is in a Moby...-Analisa, new reader, followed a link from a comment on Faith & Family
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