Monday, August 11, 2008

Monday Thoughts

Saturday was the opening day on the Ren Faire. That was a lot of fun. Julius was pretty good in the wrap all day. Livvy did not listen very well. Boo was fine. The only real problem I had was that none of the seats at the Faire have back support and although I can wear Julius all day, I do need to rest my back a little bit at some point. I was pretty achy by the finale. Jon went along, too, so that was fun for everybody.

On the way home the brakes started screeching that they needed changed. So I was stuck at home all day on Sunday, with no way to get to my usual routine of Mass and then Nan's in the evening. I called Nan and told her we'd be over today (Monday). The kids played in their rooms all day - we have been enforcing some quiet time in the afternoon so the baby can sleep. I felt bad about making them stay in their room at first, but then I realized that they were becoming better playmates by having that time together. When we were kids the four of us played together all the time, and that was why I wanted to have a good sized family. So I like to see that n my kids.

Lee and I stayed up until midnight watching the beginning of the first season of X-files.

This morning Lee got right to work on the brakes. The kids and I played outside to keep him company. There's not much gardening time left in this season so we all just played in the dirt and fantasized about next year.


Michelle said...

Sounds like fun at the Ren Faire!

Oooooo, we love X-files!

Last night I couldn't get to sleep because I was planning what I'll add/change to the garden next year. It's so much fun!

jennifaye said...

Wow, this is the first time i really looked at your blog. It is awesome!

Aren't you glad Lee can fix things?
