Monday, August 25, 2008


Friday I spent the afternoon with my mom. We have gotten to spend quality time together this summer which is really, really nice. We are going to hang at Nana's once a week this school year. Elijah loves seeing his 'cousins'. We are planning an awesome summer next year, too.

Saturday Lee and I headed over to ITT for his orientation. We dropped the big kids off at Nan's to be watched by my mother-in-law. Julius had to come with - MIL isn't quite ready for the baby yet. She hasn't really held him yet. She is not a baby person. But really, I wanted to take him with anyway.

Julius rode in the wrap at the school. He was very well-behaved. Everybody commented on what a good baby he was. He slept for half the time and just watched the rest of the time. Lee had his picture taken, met various faculty members, received his finalized schedule, and listened to an introduction to his program. The teacher who gave the intro was a Pakistani man (one of Lee's best friends is Pakistani so he liked that). He was funny and personable. He was the yoda of Networking. I am very jealous of Lee's classes - for instance, he will get to take two classes in Linux. How cool is that?! But seriously, I think he is going to have a great time.

In the meantime, my classes have already started. I am a week ahead in my coursework. I am taking all classes that I love.

Today Boo started handwriting, math, and reading work. He is taking to it like a fish to water. Since we are only at the kindergarten level, we are not going to push it to hard. My main goal this year is to keep him fresh in numbers and give him a solid reading foundation. I will be testing Liv through the year to see whether I want to put her on the level with Boo next year, start her in kindergarten next year, or even put everything off another year for her. Anyway, it'll be great.

Speaking of school, Nan is now the #1 fan of homeschooling. A friend of hers was challenging her on the "negatives" of homeschooling, and so now she is the biggest defender. Her friend commented on some kids whose behavior deteriorated when they went to school, and Nan said "Now you know why we don't want ours in school!". It's always good to get the in-laws on your side, you know? Basically, I am just happy to have Nan on my side. It makes life a lot easier.

Today I went back to work. I am going to work a few shifts a week. Though I cried when I had to leave my baby, it wasn't so bad. My customers and my coworkers missed me. I got hugs all around. There are a lot of personnel changes. I am not going to stress about work - I am going to leave it behind when I go home.

When I got home, the house was pretty peaceful. Julius was asleep - he refused to take a bottle, but I won't be gone long enough for that to hurt him at all. He was a little fussy, but Lee handled it just fine. He is such a good and loving father.

Well, not a very interesting post, but hey - I'm now officially a homeschooling mama! :) That's pretty much my life's ambition fulfilled. I thank God for moving Lee's heart to allow me to do it.


jennifaye said...

That was a very interesting post, loaded with info. Everything sounds great. That is so cool that Nan is getting to be a homeschool advocate.
Love you, Mommi

Michelle said...

Congratulations on continuing your homeschool journey with your own children. :) How exciting!

Isn't it wonderful to have family who are in agreement with you too? Makes life a whole lot easier.