Miss Olivia turned 4 today. During the last presidential election, I was counting the hours until her birth - the newspaper from the day she was born declares Bush as the winner. I love this darling girl. She is so spirited. She is always in a flurry, always wanting hugs. She is a lot like me, and I am asking God for the grace to be able to raise her well. Happy birthday to my beautiful daughter.
We got up this morning and Lee was too wound up to go to school. My history loving husband cares for nothing more than watching history happen with his whole heart.
We voted right after lunch. We took the three kids and explained the process to them on the way. We had to vote in New Cumberland because we didn't get our address changed in time (it's okay.) Elijah had some basic understand of what the election meant, though he does not understand the concept of a government.
After voting, we got our free coffee from Starbucks.
Lee took a nap in the afternoon, while the kids and I did schoolwork.
We watched the election coverage all night, Lee and I staying up even for the final speeches. It's over now. No more irritating campaign commercials. Now, as ever, we put the country and our lives in God's hands.
I am almost caught up with schoolwork.
This weekend we will celebrate with a party for Liv.
Happy Birthday Olivia!
Happy Birthday Liv!
It was nice being in Hawaii for the election, the whole thing was over much earlier in the day.
I love that girl!!!!!!!!
Happy Birthday, Livy.
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