Thursday, November 27, 2008


Olivia: Mom, did the gobblers in your tummy bite the baby?
Me: Whahuh?
Olivia: repeats question
Me: I didn't have any gobblers in my tummy...
Olivia: Yes, you did the doctors took them out
Me: Oh? ohhh... [gallbladder... gobbler... got it] No, they did not bite the baby.
Olivia: Did they have eyes? Or teeth?


Olivia: Mom, you know what I am thankful for?
Me: What?
Olivia: YOU!

later that day

Olivia: Mom, you know what I am thankful for?
Me: What?
Olivia: You!

repeat ad nauseum


Elijah, to his paternal great-grandmother: Nanny, what are you thankful for?
Nan: Nanny doesn't have anything, Elijah. Except you kids.


This Thanksgiving, I am so grateful and happy. Although its our leanest holiday ever, our lives are so full of goodness and joy. I am becoming aware that many others do not feel the same way.  I will remember to pray for those who do not have the peace and assurance of God's love and protection, which graces my life like the twinkly lights on Charlie Brown's little pine tree.


Sarah said...

LOL! Gobblers! That's so cute.

jennifaye said...

What baby?

Rachel Bostwick said...

lol Mom, Julius... Livvy asjs a lot of questions about stuff like that