Tuesday, June 2, 2009

The New Job

Monday, around lunchtime, Lee received a call that he had been accepted for a full time help desk position at a computer consulting company in our area. He will be working third shift (a good thing) helping people make their computers work (another good thing). He will also be dresing up, working in an office, and not making pizza. This is an answer to prayer - not just my prayers, but everyone who has been following the interview process, especially my Mama, who was sitting at God's knees going "pleasepleaseplease". This is a BIG step forward for us. The job includes paid holidays and sick days, and insurance for the whole family. The pay is nothing exorbitant, but it is more than we are currently making together.

If we wanted to, I could quit working and we could get by, but I have decided to continue working one day a week, to help offset the cost of insurance. It takes a big chunk out of his check, but it will be very good to have real coverage for the whole family. I also would like to keep my foot in the door where I work, because I love the people I work with and care about the business. I think I can work one half-day a week and still have plenty of time to be a real full-time mom with all that entails - homeschooling first grade and kindergarten next year, taking care of the house, and being a devoted wife. Lee will really need my support, and sometimes that will just mean keeping the kids away from the hallway so he can sleep.

This is a big deal for Lee. I am very proud of him.

Lee has also asked me to take over paying the bills when he starts the new job. This is a big step for me, for reasons that I won't detail here. I think it will work out fine, though. I think I understand our relationship well enough that it will be good for us both.

While Lee is in training, there will be two weeks where I can't work at all.... isn't that sad??? A vacation for me!

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