Friday, January 14, 2011

Four-Words Friday

How did I do with my four words this week?


This week, we suffered an Internet outage at our house, so we "only" has access to our email and Facebook through our phones. Since I had a lull in school and work anyway, this gave me some time to stretch my skills for my own ends. I began to put together a webpage advertising my own skills. I am still brainstorming a name for my actual business, but I found that I have a much clearer idea of what I want to "do" and so found the ability to write the content for my page much easier. I practiced CSS, HTML, and PHP and learned a few new CSS tricks.

Last year I made the choice to not buy webspace because I wasn't doing much with it at the time. That was a big mistake because when different opportunities presented themself throughout the year, I wasn't prepared for them. This week I purchased webspace through 1&1 Web Hosting who I have been working with through my friend's web account. I have been very pleased with the service in the last few months, and I feel comfortable with their control panel and what they offer. They are running a good deal right now, so I signed up right away and started building the website for the business Lee and I are brainstorming right now.


I have decided that I will add one chore to my daily routine each week until I am completely and perfectly organized. This week's chore will be the one that I had already established, but let go over the holidays - getting the dishes done each night. Have a house full of clean dishes is a convenience and a luxury that I deserve, and so I will give it to myself. Starting last night. :)


I can not honestly say that I have done one thing to pursue Beauty this past week, unless you count graphics, and we are not counting graphics. The goal this coming week will be to take down the Christmas decorations and clean all the inside windows until they sparkle. I have decided to include decluttering in Beauty, too. Decluttering will be the act of me sculpting away at the block of my life to find the Venus de Milo underneath. Okay, that made me laugh.


The Bible verse I am going to teach this children this coming week: Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ. For a small house full of small children who are constantly bumping into one another - both literally and figuratively - I think this one will be useful. It is one of the verses I learned in Missionettes when I was a little girl. I have been very sloppy about learning verses as an adult, which is a shame because the ones that I have are invaluable tools. I don't know if this happens to others or not, but I find that when I am upset I tend to repeat the same ugly, negative phrases over and over until I believe them. Doesn't anybody care about MY feelings? Is it so much to ask for a little help? I am the only adult in this household. And other little beauties that need to be purged. Over and over we say these things in our head, and soon they are our truth. Well, this trick works with positive words, too. So I will say it again: Bear Ye One Another's Burdens, and So Fulfill the Law of Christ.

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