Sunday, March 18, 2007

Life Without Jesus is Like a Donut

You can buy a $3 box of color tablets to make your bathwater pink 5 times.

Or you can buy a 50 cents box of food coloring at the discount grocery store, and make your water pink 50 times.

It's up to you.

Livvy and I call this Princess Bubbles.

It's a little snowy outside. I actually drove to church today (yes, for the first time ever). It was good, though, because I came home with a small stack of library books that would have been a real pain to carry on the walk.

There is going to be a Catholic family fest late in April, at the Lancaster Catholic High School. Why does this matter? Because it was advertised in the church bulletin, of course. It looks really cool. Rosalind Moss is going to be there, and I would love to hear her speak in real life. She is a neat Jewish lady who converted to Christianity when she was young and then to Catholicism. I love to hear her speak. And also, the Donut Man is going to be there. That threw me for the loop, because I knew the Donut Man was not a Catholic - we have always sold him at the store. Well, I found out that the Donut Man is a very recent Catholic convert. Do you know who the Donut Man is? He's a Christian singer for kids. His conversion story is here.

Here are some pictures of my kitchen - my favorite room in my house. Last year Lee made sure I got a CD player for my kitchen, and I spend most of my time in there, rading, cleaning, and listening to Fr. Larry or praise music.


Michelle said...

We're thinking about going to the Famil Fest too. I'm on a Sonlight email loop for Catholic moms and there was a lot of happy discussion about The Donut Man's conversion. Pretty cool, huh?

jennifaye said...

Do I see your little seedlings growing on my babies' table? Thanks for posting pics of your home and my babies in the tubby. Wait till you see what I made Livy.