Monday, August 20, 2007

Beginning of School

Today was the first day back to school. Lee was stressed beyond all belief. Then he realized that two of his classes are late-start classes and therefore don't start for four more weeks. Wow that's going to make for an interesting semester.

Anyway, Saturday I worked in the morning, then we took the babes to see Underdog, which they have been dying to see. (We still had some Cinema Center free ticket coupons left.) Sunday Olivia and I got up and went to Mass - she was so good, I was very proud of her. Fr. Helwig's homily was really good. The gospel was about how Jesus said he came to divide families against each other - and that sounds SO horrible. It so doesn't even sound like something Jesus would say. But of course He did. And then he talked about how taking a stand for what's right really can split people, and how the big issues like abortion and euthenasia are splitting the whole world. And then he said how even something as simple as going to church in the morning or not can split a family. So, with only half my family there with me, I understood. And it was okay :)

Then Saturday afternoon was spent with Lee huddled in front of his computer. He was BORED and, um, TERRIFIED so we went to Big Lots and got a PC game for $6.00 and he spent the day playing it. Then we took the babies to Nans... it was time to leave them overnight for the first time in forever. That really hurt. Leaving wasn't so bad, they like being at Nan's because she has cable. But when it was time to go to bed, and I kept listening for their breathing, well, that hurt.

Then I went to work this morning and Lee went to school. He picked up my books and the last books he needed. Class seemed fine. The work day felt for long for me. I called my advisor at school to set up an appointment for Wednesday morning. After I got home, we had Nan's leftover pot pie for dinner, and I did the whole week's worth of school in one sitting (the first week is really easy, obviously). Put the cuties to bed with many, many hugs and prayers. They missed me, too.

1 comment:

Michelle said...

Glad you were able to knock out your first week's worth of school work in such short order.

Glad you got a lot out of the homily. Fr. H is great.