Tuesday, January 1, 2008

New Years Eve

Of course I had to work yesterday. After I got off, we had to stop at the auto parts store to get something for the car. Something about the battery terminal having trouble or something. I am grateful that Lee handles those things. He even got out of bed and completely brushed off / de-iced the car for me before work. Anyway, then Lee had to go to work in the evening. He would be home at 8:30 and he was bringing company.

Lee and I have never had company together before, Jon and our family excluded. Lee was bringing home a friend from work, Joe, and his fiancee, Nicole. I was very excited about having company, and got to whole house cleaned and made a LOT of food - enough for three times the company, really.

Here are me and the babies making Pigs In Blankets. I make them exactly the way my Mommi taught me. Elijah cut the hot dogs, Olivia put cheese in the dough, and I rolled them up. These are one of my absolute favorite snacks. Our guests enjoyed them, too.

About an hour into our preparations, poor Livvy started throwing up. Poor girl!! I had to change her jammies twice and wash a lot of blankets. This is really hard on Liv because she loves food and seeing the spread we laid out but not being able to have any was a real trial for her.

Lee wisely bought a card table and folding chairs earlier this year. We set it up in the living room and sat there all night with our friends. We watched "Hitchhiker's Guide" and laughed a lot. They are Lord of the Rings/Sci Fi/Fantasy geeks like us so it was a lot of fun. After the movie, we counted down the New Year, then listened to music for awhile. Joe is a musician, so he shared some of his music on MySpace. He is an agnostic, but still likes a lot of Lee's Christian rock, and would be interested in going to Creation next year. Nicole is a talented artist, and seemed like a really neat person. I hope we have them over again sometime.

We went to bed really late, so we slept in some. The kids and I went to the 11:00am Mass. Elijah was perfect, Olivia was... well. Olivia! :) Now we are having pork and sauerkraut, and eating piles of leftovers.

Tomorrow we go to buy books for the new semester. This is going to be an amazing year! Thanks for it, Jesus!


jennifaye said...

Yummy...looks like a nice spread. I'm glad you had a nice time. So sorry about Olivia... does she still have stomach flu or was it something she ate?


Rachel Bostwick said...

I'm not sure, Mama. I tend to think its a bug. They have both had mild colds and Liv was driippping disgustingly all day. So it could have just been drainage. She was pretty lethargic, too, in the evening. I just kept her hydrated and put her to bed. She's fine now but on the BRAT diet until this evening

Michelle said...

Rachel, I hope Olivia's feeling better and no one else gets sick. Sounds like everyone had a good time!