Friday, January 4, 2008

Ready for School

Having Lee home from school is a lot of fun - it's like a small vacation. We stay up late, we sleep in, we run around. It gives our relationship a boost, because Lee's love language is time and we get uninterrupted bursts of it. But now I feel like Marmee's daughters did after taking time without chores - I am cranky and ready to get back to semi-structured life.

So school starts next week. I was signed up for 5 classes, but my husband wisely bullied me into dropping two of them. I needed him to do that. I really wanted to take all 5, but it might have killed me, especially with Julius being due to arrive the same week as final exams.

But I am really excited about school. I am changing angles this semester - I found studying education to be really boring. I am going to spend a semester in my first love - the Internet. (Okay, its not really my first love but anyway). I am taking a course in web design (mostly HTML, so it should be eeasssyyy), a course in Electronic Commerce and a course in Marketing. All of those will give me a leg up in some of my roles at Servant's Heart, and web design is work I can always do casually from home. If I enjoy this semester, I will keep going. I only need an associates degree for Web design, so I could finish school around the same time as Lee if I want, or just keep going if I want. So we'll see. Either way, I'll be learning good skills this semester.


jennifaye said...

I am so proud of you ... but glad that Lee talked you into only taking three classes. I am glad you talked David into taking two.


Michelle said...

Rachel, Lee is a wise man! :) I think for your health and sanity 3 classes will be plenty for this semester. Web design does sound more interesting than studying to become a teacher.

David B. Beaver said...

I'm excited about starting school again, just wish I could have gotten more than two classes in this sem.

Good luck with your classes