Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Prayer Request

It looks like the baby's back is against my back. This is most likely why I have been having so much pain with moving. That means lots of extra labor pain for lucky me if he doesn't turn. I am supposed to spend lots of time on my hands and knees... won't Boo and Liv love that.

Please pray for me!


jennifaye said...

How do you know that? Did you go to the doctor?

Worried Mommi

Rachel Bostwick said...

Yes, I saw the midwife today. It's not 100% sure, just a guess on her part, and even if its true, it doesn't necessarily mean anything bad will happen. And it's not something that would hurt Julius at all. But it is something to pray about.

Michelle said...

Rachel, I'll be praying for you. Cory was born sunny side up even after we tried to get him to turn. (and 17 days late)

Nancy Yatabe said...

I pray for you and your family daily. I am having a great time with the twins. Four months old now. When you get moved please send my your address. Love you, Grand Ma Yatabe