Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Home is Where Your Books Are

I have to leave for the doctor in half an hour. I am supposed to be sitting an exam right now, but the school web page is down so I am out of luck. When am I going to fit that in? Am I going to have to take it on a break at work?

In the process of moving our "stuff" into the trailer. It is exhausting and demoralizing. Today is the last day we have posession of the apartment. I expected to be done this past weekend, but instead the whole process is dragging on an on. I just want to unpack the boxes and go have a baby.

All that being said, I love waking up in my house. I can see it taking shape in front of me. I can see right around the boxes and whatnot. Lots, lots more to say about all that. Coming soon.

Verizon doesn't offer Internet in our area, so we had to get Comcast. I am not thrilled about that. So far we have had to call them three times. Let's hope this time is charmed.

Mommi, don't worry, the bookcases fit fine. There was no chopping involved ;)

Yesterday Kaila and Michelle stopped by to bless us. Olivia was hugging all over them. I could have, too. They brought two things for the baby that I never dreamed I would actually receive - a glider that rocks the baby front to back or side to side - this will be such a help for tired arms - and a beautiful portable swing that fits perfectly in the "kids" area of the living room (more on that later of course). They also brought us curtains and dinner *sniff*. That was so sweet guys, we are very grateful.

Here is today's schedule: I am off to the doctor in fifteen minutes. As soon as I get home from the Doc (midwife actually, but who's counting), we will head over to the apartment, throw another load of boxes in the back of the car, and clean out the fridge (last cleaning task). Then Lee will drop me and the kids at Nans so I can do some homework that's huge and due at midnight. He has to go to school for the last class before finals. After school, he will pick Joe up at work, pick me up at Nan's, drop me off at work (my last shift before motherhood sets in), meet Nicole at the apartment, and between the three of them take the rest of our "stuff" to the trailer. If you have a second, pray for Lee. His back is tired. Then he will pick me up at work and we will go home. I will submit my homework and we will go to bed. I guess I won't be unpacking any boxes today.


Michelle said...

Rachel, I wish you would've let us know you still needed help with moving stuff from the apartment. We would have been more than happy to help.

I'm more than happy to help with unpacking, watching the children, washing laundry, doing dishes, whatever. So please don't hesitate to ask. It's a blessing to me to be able to help. :)

I remember well the challenges of moving while having newborns and littles.

jennifaye said...

Yikes, praying here.
Glad the bookshelves fit.
Hope you got it all done.
You should have called for Noah and David to help carry boxes. They would have been glad to help. I am free on Friday. If you need me and the homeschoolers to come over just say the word.

Hugs- mommi

ComcastCares1 said...

Hi Rachel,

I am sorry to learn that you had to call Comcast three times regarding your service.

I work for Comcast and I will be happy to offer my assistance. Please feel free to contact me if you still need assistance.

Thank you and have a blessed day!


Mark C.
Comcast Corporate