Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Day Two

Slim-Fast 3-2-1 Plan, Ready To Drink Shake, Rich Chocolate Royal, 11-Ounce Cans

Yesterday, I started a *whisper* diet. I don't like the word, I don't like to talk about it. When I was a teenager, I tortured myself about my weight and I refuse to go back there. Unlike then, I value myself as a person. But now I would like to lose some weight.

I am following the simple Slim Fast diet - a shake for breakfast and lunch, a "sensible" dinner, plus three small snacks. I am not buying the Slim Fast snacks, just fruits, vegetables, popcorn, and low-cal granola bars. For dinner, I am eating whatever my family eats, and trying not to go back for thirds!

Yesterday was fine. I enjoyed the shake for breakfast and lunch, and I had granola bars for snacks. I had a sausage with cheese for dinner - no, I won't be counting the calories. This is going to be long-term and low-key.

The hardest part was after dinner. We stay up really late watching TV, very often. I usually snack all night. I ended up having two extra snacks. Tonight I will be conscious of that and try to eat my snacks slower. I also skipped having a snack after breakfast to compensate for having an additional snack at night.

As for the rest of life, we had a wonderful weekend helping our sister put on a Pig Roast. Lee and I helped cook for about 24 hours. It was a lot of fun. We are not party-people and hid in the livingroom once all the guests arrived. Not for the whole time, just anytime we needed a recharge.

The kids are all well and the thrush is ALMOST completely gone. It feels good to feed the baby without wanting to cry. I also tried him on a bottle one day, just to see if he could do it. He did fine.

Me + Gabe = LOVE

This is John Young, Nan's little brother, holding Gabe. Nan never sees her brother; he hangs with the Bostwicks.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Rach,

    Wow, the thrush took a month to go away? Yikes! Glad it did though.

    It's hard to watch TV without snacking, isn't it? It's just a huge bummer. I guess if you can break the habit it gets easier.

    I'm like Mom though, I get tired at 9, so we don't stay up as late.
