Friday, November 23, 2007

Black Friday

We spent the entire day at my sister-in-law Jackie's house yesterday. That was realy nice. Lee helped Danny (Aidan and Damien's dad, Jackie's boyfriend) cook the dinner, I made pudding pies with 3 month-old Damien on my hip. I wished I had brought my sling though! By the time Jackie got off work, the food was ready. We had to bring chairs but there was enough room for all of us in Jackie's apartment. We had a very pleasant meal, then the boys played a bowling video game. We had birthday presents for Aidan (he's two now) and they had birthday presents for Liv. I love getting to spend time with my little nephews.

Then this morning we got up at 3am to go black friday shopping. That was interesting. Jackie, Danny, and my FIL actually got up earlier. They were at Best Buy at 2am and still didn't get the good deal that they were hoping for. Ouch. Still, we got some good shopping in, and it was a bit of an adventure. We ate breakfast at Denny's together but split the check - Lee's meal came three minutes late, so the server gave it to us for free. So we ate for half price! That was an unexpected blessing :) Lee always tips very generously, but did so especially.

By the time we got home, we were all tired. The kids and I fell asleep in front of The Princess Bride. When I say the kids and I fell asleep, you can picture the three of us dogpiled on the futon :) I didn't really sleep, but it was restful nonetheless. After that, Lee took a nap in the bedroom while I took a bath and fed the babies. Tonight I have to take my Avon orders over to Nan for delivery.


jennifaye said...

Thanks for sharing, Rache. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Hope to see you soon.

Michelle said...

It sounds like you had a nice Thanksgiving.

Kaila and I were up at 4 a.m. to go shopping.