Friday, March 7, 2008

Frugal Shopping Notes

BTW, Aldi's opened up by Big Lots. They have good prices on some things, others you are better off at the bigger store with a sale price and a coupon combined. Their eggs, milk, sugar and flour prices are pretty much rock bottom. Produce seemed pretty decent, but you can get cheaper at the groery store at the right time. Cereal prices are not better than a sale at the big chain. All in all worth shopping at if you don't have time to cut coupons and watch sales or if you need something that is not on sale right now.

I get this stuff at Big Lots, $3.00 for a box. It really makes a difference for me, personally. However it does NOT taste good. Boo will still take one of their lozenges, but Livvy probably would not.
If you need things for lunches, like fruit snacks and cheese & cracker packs, and cheap individual drinks, Big Lots is the best I know of right now. R&S was better but they closed down. :(
Big Lots also has very good prices on things like deodorant and shampoo. If you want a certain brand, they can rip you off, but if you dig around they usually have one or two deals that are unbeatable. Their toilet paper is never better than on sale with a coupon at the grocery store - but again if its not on sale or you don't have a coupon, their base price is better.


Michelle said...

Rachel, we use cold eeze here too. Have you tried the gum? The kids take that much better than they do the lozenges. Do you use Zicam? That also works well.

jennifaye said...

Thanks for that... does big lots take a credit card?


Rachel Bostwick said...

Michelle - I've never tried Zicam because its so much more expensive. I've heard its really good, though. I just bought the gum this week. I'll have to tried it on the kids, but they aren't sick right now - just me. Well, actually, Liv's runny but that's it.

Mama - yup, Big Lots takes a credit card. Aldi's only takes cash or debit card though!