Friday, March 7, 2008

Just a Few Pics

Absolutely priceless. But what you want to watch for is the age in her face. This is not the face of a baby girl.

Here again - look at how old my little boy is. He's so sophisticated in his speech. You know what would make you laugh? Hearing him speak to a waitress. He orders his own food and drink. "I would like two pancakes, please. Do you have chocolate milk?" Somehow by completely sheltering him, we have created a completely socially comfortable child. Go figure.

Final thought - imagine how devastating it is to be seven and a half months pregnant and have to 'dispose of' the absolutely helpless newborn children of, well, terrorists. What was I supposed to do, leave them in the basement so I can catch them in traps later when they are ugly devastators? Make them pets? (Oh, don't think I wasn't tempted. I had to call Lee at work to make him tell me NO you absolutely can not put feral mice babies into a cage and try to feed them.) Later, the mother came back for them. She went nuts. It was heartbreaking. Seriously. She threw herself against a table leg.

Anyway, back to my life. I ask everyone to continue to pray energy and peace and strength for me. I want to get back to working on the basement right now, but my body is saying DON'T YOU DARE. Bits and pieces of me that shouldn't be are twitching and squeezing. Nuf said.

I am SOOOO glad I did not take five classes this semester. I love you, my wise Lee.

True story - he told me the other day that I wasn't taking care of myself. I was so hurt. I had forgotten to put mascara on and was wearing my home maternity clothes, so didn't look the best and thought that was what he was saying. Well, he was actually saying that I needed to take naps. HA. Never assume with Lee.

Pray for Lee, too, please. He is trying to graduate, transfer to a new school, support a family, and have a baby all at the same time. Yes, I am going to school and working, too, but the real weight falls on his big shoulders.


Michelle said...

Rachel, you and your family remain in my daily prayers. I'm here for you.

jennifaye said...

Oh my goodness. Poor mama mouse. I am way too compassionate for animals these days. Are you almost packed? Doesn't it make you hate your "stuff"? You have my permission to throw anything I gave you away. Unless it is school-related and then I will take it back....

You and Lee amaze me every day with how much you do. I am so proud of you.


Rachel Bostwick said...

Thanks for praying guys and for being proud of me. Lee tells me I am almost packed but it doesn't feel like it. What I really want to do is take everything that is packed and, since we are obviously living fine without it, drop it all off at the thrift store and say goodbye. I'm not going to, though, as I would certainly miss my books.